Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Created Self responds to message about breakthrough LE event

Most transformational work is designed for and is incredibly effective for people who find their truth with their intellect. My work is designed for 'feeling-centered' beings. My clients are more effective when they 'trust their guts' or 'listen to their intuition.' Learn to trust your truth and live your dreams.

Breaking news:  I am not a coach, I am not a trauma resolution specialist.  I am an Intuitive Healer. 
Magi Speelpenning, Intuitive Healer:  cue theme song....

As I step into being Intuitive Healer, my world how view is different from the world view of others.  What is new is being responsible; that is to say conscious about it.  There are moments; each moment connecting on-goingly to the next, each precious and unique unto itself.  'MIND' --as is its design--files each of these moments into other files of similar data.  'MIND'   is not designed to allow each new moment to occur fresh, without prior interpretation.  This serves us for things like driving, walking, navigating our computers etc.  The world view of 'MIND'  is I know this, I know this, I know this.  Nothing is new, including our responses to incoming moments. 

Landmark Education is the world view of 'be your word', a gorgeous world view which lets us bring integrity and workability to all of our interactions with other beings--whether they are being their word or not.  ' Be your word' is a powerful way to interact powerfully and effectively with the mechanations of 'MIND.'   In my experience, Landmark serves the intellectually structured community beautifully--those people who source 'be your word'  from 'word'.  Declare (word) something then configure yourself to align with those words.  Ongoingly true your being to those words.  It is a brilliant strategy that works. 

And, for feeling-centered beings, such as myself, 'be your word' is sourced in 'be'.  I check in energetically, recognize my truth, my center, then and only then do I speak the truth of it.  My words align with my being--they are there to verbally express the truth of the moment.  Moments that are sourced in my heart feel connected and open. The moments that feel creepy, uncomfortable,or like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole are always when 'MIND'  is trying to be my source.  Said differently, for feeling-centered beings, heart is being, mind is word.  And--this is the truly juicy discovery--for intellectual types, you experience yourselves as connected and open when you live from the truth of your word.  Both ways of engaging powerfully with the mechanics of 'MIND' are valid.  Both are ways of engaging with the moments coming at you. 

I am in wonder, with great joy to know that transformation  and making the world a kinder, richer and sweeter place to live is available for both intellectual and feeling centered beings. 

And now, what there is to say about the beautiful evening below is 'MIND'  turns distinctions into things, formulas that get filed.  'MIND' files: enroll and register from 'it works, go try it' will become the way to get people to participate in Landmark, rather than something created heart to heart--being to being--in the moment. 

Magi Speelpenning
At Ease Coaching             425-417-9190      
Lightness at the end of the tunnel

in response to:  a Landmark event---
  1. a few seminar leaders shared about what this work gave them access to - what they got from the Forum 
  2. they had to do it without the shares and stories, just distinguish what "it" was that they got - not easy
  3. When it was clear that "it" is a kind of freedom from the tyranny of believing your point of view is reality he moved to the next point
  4. about 70,000 people a year do the forum.  That's how many are born in a day on the planet
  5. the way the planet is going our work is needed - really needed.  What would it be like if all of us could distinguish ongoingly that we operate inside of interpretations?
  6. He thought that we had all gone (himself included) "numb" about the difference this work has made and is making in our lives
  7. our problem with enrolling and registering others is not that it's hard, it's that there's a failure in our past (in the area of enrolling/registering) that we're not complete with - one seminar leader shared how her sister in law will not do Landmark and how this has stopped her
  8. he told us that over 400 or 800 corporations have done Landmark - it's on Apple's approved list of courses for staff development, and how CEOs are speaking in favor of it, and how a very senior prof emeritus at the B School at Harvard is working to brink Landmark into univ curricula
  9. He also announced some big exciting changes coming up that will make it easier for us to enroll-register
  10. he talked a lot and we laughed a lot about how we/Landmark has been using highly technical language in a world where that is neither wanted nor understood.  We've all tried to play junior forum leader or explain the distinctions, when all we need to say, "it works, go try it!"
  11. We all left back in the presence of what it was alla bout in the first place