And So It Begins!

This blog is really for me to parse out what I assume is the wisdom I've picked up in my 54 years on this planet.  The older I become, and the more I am exposed to, the more I see genius and connection and perfection everywhere.  There are so many areas of my life where I have something I want to contribute.  In writing I gain my own clarity, and it is the intention of my heart that you find something of value and/or insight for yourself as well.  I'll be teasing out and exploring many facets of my life--looking from the spiritual, the mental/emotional and the physical.  So the topic of health for instance will look different as a spiritual practice than it will as a mental or physical practice.  I'll be looking at my career (physical--or my Legacy when I look from my highest self), relationships, health, and take an occasional foray into the unexpected and bizarre--such as a post with all the titles I rejected for this site.

So.  Why am I doing this now?  Looking back on my life, the unfolding of events and my interactions within them, I am reminded of those intricate elaborate domino artworks where each preceding piece impacts and help determine the course of action of the piece onto which it falls.  I've seen everything from blessings that started out as minor irritation to the blessings which began as something excruciating. An example of a minor irritation turning into a blessing was the time I could not find my car keys until the 5th time I checked the kitchen table, which meant that I arrived at a desolate intersection just as someone in another car looking confused and scared arrived.  I rolled down my window to offer help.  The person, who was truly lost, was looking for the town I had just left, so I was able to give clear and easy directions and continue my journey.  A difference of just seconds in the time it took me to find my keys would have derailed the perfection of that meeting.   I used to call those "Guardian Angel Events", however the 'why' of that is for another post.

The most excruciating event triggered a 7 year journey where I met many experts in the field of trauma care.  Furthermore, due to my eclectic lifestyle, I surrounded myself with brilliant resources, friends, coaches, and spiritual leaders who gave me new and different powerful perspectives.  I soaked up everything I could, which ultimately led to the immersion, mastery, creativity and fine tuning of my work helping and training people to resolve their own trauma and atrocities.  

Now, there is a new shift going on.  My husband and I just shooed our youngest out of the house and shooed ourselves into an apartment while we sell our home.  This has had the impact of allowing us to have a physical manifestation of a big change to go along with this spiritual completion of the part of our lives called 'parents with kids living at home.'  It was really nice going through reams of paperwork, discovering artwork or writings of our children through the years.  ("Dear Osama bin Laden, please don't kill any more people. It makes my heart's song sad"-- written right after 9-11 was one of the gems we rediscovered.)  My guiding spirit led me to both a used record store and a used book store.  The owner of the book store even came to our house twice to look at what we were letting go of.  Ka-Ching!!  We gave away the sturdy, heavy utilitarian particle board bookcases and kept the sturdy, pretty, not too heavy oak bookcases.  All this was done with such gratitude and a sense of completion.  We made certain that all the things we were finished with went to good homes. 

Now I am only grocery shopping for myself and my husband, I buy what we really want, eliminating all the empty calorie foods we used to have on hand for the kids.  This new shopping style coincided with my acceptance into a 12 week raw food immersion program being held at a restaurant in the area.  Everything is really close our new place, including a gorgeous river trail, so I am walking everywhere.  

And with this new found freedom comes new found openings for all of us.  It is like I am shedding the married with children persona and stepping into my true being--GIGGLING GODDESS  or Namaste-with-a-twist.   It's a divine, entertaining world we live in.  And I am looking forward to discovering what GGN has to say.  Blessings--