Monday, October 4, 2010

The China Project 1-25/26-2009

Monday January 25th.  Day one is over and I am full of love and energy.  There was such grace and ease today.  Again, I am amidst the warmest, friendliest people.  The workshop is being held at a workspace set up by Jet Li's One Foundation.  There are 6 staff and we have 25+/- people here.  Many people in this group recently participated in an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) workshop--not to compare apples and oranges.  I have not done any NLP work, so cannot offer an opinion on how effective it is.  However, I think that the group is willing to try new things without needing to know a lot of information before they try it.  What a blessing and gift this was to have on this day. 

We started again with how a baby will decrease its ability to feel things when something painful happens. Then the adult, who has 20 times the cells in the brain which allow a human being to feel, still only has the capacity to feel a small percentage of their feelings.  I explained how trauma occurs in the feeling centers of the brain, not in the intellect.  We spoke about the state of calm, quiet and peace—‘pure awareness’ that every baby is born with and then we all had the opportunity to experience this together, using the GAP technique.  We filled out the trauma evaluation sheet and I worked with someone who needed both the CORE and the SEE technique.  While it was a rich opportunity to demonstrate a full body of work, it was too much to parse out in one session.  It is more effective to demonstrate either the SEE technique or the CORE technique exclusively.  There were so many questions, that we stopped for lunch without working in pairs before the break. 

After lunch I worked with someone who was worried about speaking in public--the perfect SEE technique demo.  Then they worked in pairs, using the SEE technique to clear something in their life they felt anxious about.  We had some time for Q & A and our day completed on a happy, lively note.  Tomorrow we will focus on the evaluation sheet and do more work with the CORE technique.  Tonight we are having a traditional dinner then going to a community toll free ‘hotline’ center, where I hope I will be allowed to make a difference. 

Tuesday, January 26th.  We had a great day today.  We had ample time for a CORE demonstration and then the groups worked in pairs.  Again, I notice that the interconnection with each other renders some things unnecessary.  The different ‘emotional symptoms’ on the evaluation sheet provide Americans with additional options and clarity to distinguish their personal level of trauma.  There were emotional distinctions which seemed redundant for the Chinese.  (i.e. remorse, regret, survivor guilt were interchangeable for the most part) I think I will be out of computer range for the next few days until evening on the 29th.  We did a lot of great work today, with many people staying afterward to ask questions and get some guidance.  I did notice that some people incorporated NLP stuff into the paired sessions—and I don’t know what kind of impact this had overall.  I am a bit cold and very tired--in a good way and feel a bit of a cold coming on.  

The couple from the Beichuan area reported that they saw a huge benefit is participating both in the Landmark Forum and in learning my work.  The Landmark Forum works through the intellect; my work with trauma resolution works at the feeling level.   As the ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) shows, the more trauma you experience as a child and do not resolve, the more likely it is as an adult to smoke, use illicit drugs, and suffer from diseases such as hepatitis, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.   My works gets to the ‘feeling level’ source of unresolved emotional experiences. 

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