Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Work and How to Find Me

I train you to eliminate and release barriers, find the truth that lives in your heart, and open the creative pallet for designing and living a life you truly love, a life that fulfills your entire being.  My work is an emerging field within the emerging field of human software engineering and development.  While most bodies of work deal with obstacles using the intellect, my work provides huge breakthroughs through the feeling centers of the body.

We come into this world as feeling beings.  Our strongest access to the experience of ourselves as new beings is on a feeling level.  Although we can feel/hear sound coming into our ears it takes time to develop the capacity to differentiate between what all of the different sounds evoke.  Mother's voice leaves a different imprint on us than a loud startling sound.  A nurturing hug leaves a different feeling level reaction than a hard slap. 

While we are in this stage without spoken language to guide us, something either physically or emotionally painful happens which triggers a feeling level response and decision to never feel that bad again. This decision makes perfect sense at the time.  As we become adults, we have 20 times more of these cells that allow us to feel than when we were babies.  However, because of this feeling level decision, we only utilize about 10% of the capacity at our disposal. 

When things happen that overwhelm our capacity to feel, we do not complete whatever the experience is; this leads to problems later on.  In the ACE ( Adverse Childhood Experience ) Study conducted by Kaiser Permanente, people who had 4-6 overwhelming things occur were exponentially more likely to have addictive behaviors, have difficult time holding down steady jobs, and be much more likely to have kidney, liver or other debilitating diseases as adults.  

So again I ask; What would life be like if you completely let go of patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you?  What freedoms and opportunities would be available to you and what would you want to do with your new found freedom and power? 

To schedule a conversation, e-mail me at     with blessings and gratitude--Magi

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